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sâmbătă, 5 iunie 2010


- Ca romanu' nu-i nici unu', unde-s multi putea fi unu'!!  
- Fie painea cit de rea, tot ti-o fura cineva. 
- Cine NE viziteza ne face ONOARE, cine NU, PLACERE.  
- De urata nu-i frumoasa, da'i desteapta, proasta dracu'. 
- Ne nastem goi, uzi si flaminzi. De abia dupa aceea lucrurile se inrautatesc. - In viata sunt doua cuvinte care deschid multe usi: "trage" si "impinge". 
- Omul intelept isi face vara sanie si iarna o pune pe foc. 
- Cine fura azi un ou si se lasa prins...e bou!!!
- Proverb marinaresc: "Iubeste-ti copilul ca si cum ar fi al tau" 
- Nicio fapta buna nu scapa nepedepsita!
- Cum iti asterni, cum vine altul si se culca in locul tau.  
- Ai carte, ai cu ce så te stergi la cur. 
- Daca totul a iesit bine, inseamna ca ai gresit undeva.
- Mama prostilor e mereu gravida...
- Mai bine burtos de la bere decat cocosat de la munca!
- Lasa pe maine ce poti face azi ca poate maine nu mai este nevoie.
- Nu esti beat atata timp cat poti sta intins pe podea fara sa te sprijini.

vineri, 4 iunie 2010


From The Guardian:
Tropical Storm Agatha swept across Central America yesterday, bringing torrential rain that killed more than 100 people and opened a 60m-deep sinkhole in Guatemala City which reportedly swallowed up a three-storey building.
The first named storm of the 2010 Pacific season dumped more than a metre of rain in parts of Guatemala, also hitting El Salvador and Honduras. At least 113 people were reported killed, with around 50 missing in Guatemala alone as rescue workers searched through the rubble.
The 30m-diameter sinkhole opened up in a northern district of Guatemala City, with residents blaming the rains and substandard drainage systems. Local reports said one man was killed when the building was swallowed. In 2007, three people died when a similar sinkhole appeared in the same area.
Guatemala was the worst affected country, with a confirmed death toll of 92, although that is likely to rise when rescuers reach remote villages. Almost 100,000 people have been evacuated from their homes. Nine people were confirmed killed in El Salvador and 12 in Honduras.
“I’ve got no one to help me. I watched the water take everything,” Carlota Ramos told Reuters outside her mud-swamped brick house in Amatitlan, a town near the Guatemalan capital.